Feb 7, 2025: Kayla visits the lab!
Feb 7, 2025: Happy Birthday Megan!
Feb 6, 2025: We welcome Ashley to the lab!
Jan 23, 2025: One week in! Catie and Callie working hard!
January 16, 2025: Aayushi's work from Grice lab "Commensal-derived tryptophan metabolites fortify the skin barrier" published in Cell Chemical Biology
January 15, 2025: We begin the new year by welcoming Callie Rose and Catie to the lab!
Dec 19, 2024: We say bye to Anna at end of rotation!
Dec 17, 2024: Pictures from our painting activity!
Dec 17, 2024: We celebrated end of year by painting pots together! And Lena came to say hi!
Dec 10, 2024: Callie Rose came to say hi to us!
Dec 9, 2024: Department holiday party!
Nov 26, 2024: We celebrated Labsgiving!
Nov 5, 2024: Dr. David Price and Sydney Farber joined us for lab meeting to talk about life and career paths in academia
Nov 15, 2024: We say bye to Shantal at end of rotation!
Oct 28, 2024: We welcome Anna Johannesman as rotation student to our lab!
Oct 24, 2024: We decide to welcome fall at Fiddlehead Fern Cafe!
Oct 18, 2024: Aayushi is invited to give a talk at the 71st Montagna Symposium on the Biology of Skin
Oct 10, 2024: Aurora Borealis in St. Louis (Picture courtesy Spring Goodson)
Oct 8, 2024: We celebrated our lab winning a voucher for the GENEWIZ week !
Oct 1, 2024: We celebrate 6 months of our lab setup and welcome Shantal Garcia (MMMP) as our first PhD rotation student!
Sep 20, 2024: We celebrated postdocs who have been super helpful in establishing our lab! Thank you!
Sept 5, 2024: Aayushi gives Micro/ID seminar
Aug 29, 2024: Lab attends immunology retreat at Pere Marquette
Aug 2, 2024: We say bye to Lena who joined us for summer and now goes back to Missouri state. We will miss you Lena!
Aug, 2024: Aayushi with colleagues celebrate publication of review on Wound microbiome in wound infections in Nature Reviews Microbiology
July 31, 2024: Emily goes back to school to start sophomore year!
July 30th, 2024: Drs. Naina Rengarajan and Kevin Blake join us for a career discussion panel
Surprise party!
July 19, 2024: Kayla goes back to being a med student, promising to come back next week
July 16th, 2024: We celebrated getting our lab up and running!
June 17th, 2024: We welcome Jyothi and Megan and enjoy a hot summer day!
June, 2024: Kayla and Spring caught in action!
June, 2024: Lena pours so many plates!
June, 2024: Aayushi featured in Q&A on microbiome-based clinical diagnostics. Drew Schwartz and Aayushi were featured on accompanying podcast.
June 3rd, 2024: We welcome Kayla and Sanjana to the lab
May 20th, 2024: Lena and Emily join the lab!
May 18, 2024: Aayushi attends Society of Investigative Dermatology conference at Dallas, Texas
May 1, 2024: Lab is starting to look like a lab!
April 15, 2024: Skye Fishbein (Instructor in Dantas lab) and Aayushi give a talk at St. Louis University
April 1, 2024: Spring inaugurates her lab desk!
April 1, 2024: Everyone checks out our new lab space!
April 1, 2024: Lab inauguration lunch
We have lab decorations!
Uberoi lab's first recruits! Aayushi's parents Dinesh and Sunita Uberoi
January 2024: Aayushi bids adieu to UPenn, Philadelphia
May, 2023: Aayushi accepts position at WashU!